Conclusion of our exclusive interview with The Liberator!
RH: Great. Now that we know how you started, can you tell us why you do what you do? Liberator: The “why” goes back to “what”. I do it because of what God's purpose is for me, it’s what He has put in me. Everything that I’ve learned up to this point, all the years I’ve spent developing myself, training my body and my mind, and learning the Word of God, it’s all lead me to this point. All of my training as a fighter pilot and a marksman, learning self discipline and how to trust the Lord in dangerous situations, I saw how all of those things prepared me for God’s purpose for my life as I lay in that hospital bed. You know what’s great though, once you find God’s purpose for your life, that’s where your peace is. That’s where you’ll have peace, that’s where you’ll have rest, you won’t have to wonder why you’re here on this earth! I recommend to everybody reading this interview, spend time with God, spend time on your knees talking with Him about just what He wants you to do, what job does He have for you in this life. You’re here for a reason. It’s not a coincidence that you’re here. I mean, today kids are taught that they come from a blob of slime that crawled out of the primordial ooze, and that we evolved from some little slug or something! If that’s true then there’s no real purpose or direction to our lives, we’re just here as a mass of tissue, walking and talking and we just happen to be able to think. Give me a break! Creation is so awesome and so intricately detailed and precise, how could it happen by chance? No way! Well, the same thing is true regarding your life. You’re not here just by chance! Now me, I know what I’m here for, and I want to let you know that God has a plan and purpose for you too. Just think, based on what God has for you, someone… well I was going to say that someday someone could read a story about your life, but I’ll go so far as to say that no matter what you do, someone is already reading the story of your life! RH: What do you mean? Liberator: In the
Bible, in II Corinthians chapter 3, Paul the Apostle says that their lives
are like an open letter, that the life you live is a letter that someone
else reads. What kind of message does your life send or give to others?
Think about that.
RH: We joked a little bit earlier about your sunglasses, some may think that you’re trying to be cool, you do have that cool slick look about you. You were saying that the explosion in the cockpit did some damage to your eyes? Liberator: My eyes are sensitive to light because of the explosion, so I wear the glasses because of that. It’s an area where I end up having to trust the Lord. RH: In what way? Liberator: When I’m
out on a rescue, I am a marksman, but because of the injury to my
RH: Since you’ve become the Liberator, and you go out on a rescue, have you ever been afraid? Does a hero get scared? Liberator: Have I ever been scared? (Laughter.) Yes! (More laughter.) I’d have to be crazy or lying to you if I said that I’ve never been afraid before. Sometimes I’m halfway around the world in a place I’ve never been, with people speaking a language I don’t even know, that’s difficult as it is. The tough part comes in, hey, I don’t want to kill anybody, but the bad guys don’t feel the same way towards me! They don’t mind shooting to kill or blowing me up or something! They don’t have the same convictions that I do, so it can be fearful. But I keep going back to my faith in God because it’s my greatest weapon. If it wasn’t for knowing God’s purpose for my life, if it wasn’t for being able to walk by faith, then no, there’s no way I could do this, there’s no way I could be the Liberator, I couldn’t even think about it. I don’t dwell on the fear or the danger, what I think about and give my attention to is what is the job at hand, and what has God called me to. I tell you, many times I’m excited and I want to see just as much as anybody else, what is the Lord going to do in this particular situation to get me out of the danger I happen to be in at the moment! RH: Thanks for talking with us and letting our readers get to know you a little better. Liberator: You're welcome. Thanks for having me, it's been great.
Look for the upcoming
adventures of The Liberator