April 23, 1999
- Added part two to the Liberator interview
in the Real Heroes section.
April 29, 1999 - Added the Drawing Tips page to the Drawing Classes section, check it out! June 9, 1999 - Added new Class Pictures to the Drawing Classes section, go see 'em! June 15, 1999 - Posted new Student Art. Good stuff, go take a look! June 29, 1999 - Posted new pictures of The Liberator and Strongarm in the Gallery, enjoy! September 7, 1999 - Posted feedback form to make it easier to contact us, go use it! September 14, 1999 - Posted new Student Art, take a look! January 27, 2000 - Posted new Student Art, manga invades PWP! April 12, 2000 - Posted new Student Art, David and Jared strike again! May 4, 2000 - New Class Pictures, good clean arm wrasslin' fun, check 'em out! June 8, 2000 - Cool new Liberator pin-up in pencil, check it out! October 5, 2000 - This is an update to tell ya why there haven't been any updates lately - as well as a bit of news! First, updates have been delayed a bit because I've found myself in need of a new scanner, and seeing as how this is a graphics oriented site, having a scanner is a must! I'll be purchasing one soon, so hold yer horses till then and I'll be treating you guys and gals to some great new artwork! Now for the good news! Be sure to go out and grab a copy of the October issue of UPSCALE magazine, because in the Gospel section there's a two-page article featuring yours truly! I was interviewed by one of their freelance writers this past summer, and it was a real blessing to have the opportunity to share my vision regarding comics, heroes, and The Liberator of course! The article is titled "Restoring Today's Heroes", run out and grab a copy while ya still can! Thanks to all youse guys who regularly visit this website, send emails, bought my book, and send words of encouragement and praise for my work, I'm thankful and appreciative. I've got some exciting news to share with you in the days ahead, so till then, God Bless Ya! November 7, 2000 - Great new StrongArm pin-up in pencil, check it out! April 18, 2001 - At last! New Liberator and StrongArm pin-ups in the Gallery, check 'em out! July 27, 2001
I was blessed to be able to attend the San Diego Comic Con this year, it's the grandaddy of all comic cons! This was my second time going, and as last year, I hooked up with a bunch of other Christian comics creators, collectively known as the Christian comic Arts Society. I had a great time at this year's con, it wasn't so much the con that was great, but it was the fellowship with the saints! We had our own booth this year and gave out tracts, Bibles, and free Christian comics. We also sold a good number of Christian comics. While many people looked at us with puzzled looks, frowns, and raised eyebrows, there were several others that were excited to see a strong Christian witness at the con! I took pictures while there and thought youse guys would like ta see 'em. Just click here and take a look. God Bless Ya!
November 5, 2001
Hiya folks! Christmas is almost here and that means it's time to start buying gifts! "What am I gonna do?", you say. I'm glad you asked! My drawing book is now on sale for 20% off the regular price, that's only $7.95! So, for alla youse guys who know a budding young artist who would love to have this book, now's the perfect time to buy! Just click here for ordering info and the rest is easy.
Remember to continue praying for the families of the victims of the September 11 attacks on our country. Pray also for the President and our armed forces that are defending our nation and our freedoms. Thanks for all of your interest and support during the two years that this website has been online. God bless you and your families during the upcoming holiday season!
November 5, 2001
Cool new cover for the drawing book,
check it out!
November 13, 2001
New student art by William Briggs, check it out!
November 16, 2001
I've added a new Sketchbook section so youse guys can see how new pics get started. Go see it!
December 7, 2001
New Student art by David Williams. Go see it!
January 16, 2002
Fixed a few broken links on the links page. Check 'em out!
July 11, 2002
New sketch of Spartacus in the sketch book. Check it out!
January 22, 2003
New drawing of a Warrior Angel in the Gallery. Go see it!